THE Global Ocean Observing System

10th MedGOOS Annual Meeting

The 10th MedGOOS meeting was held on the 05th March in Istanbul, Turkey. The meeting was held back to back to the MOON (Mediterranean Operational Oceanography Network) assembly scheduled on 03-05th March. A half-day seminar on numerical coastal modelling experiences for the Mediterranean was also organised by the MedGOOS Secretariat. The seminar was held in the morning of Friday 5th March (Click here for more info).

Presentations and Reports

(14:00 –14:45)
> Adoption of the agenda
> Approval of the minutes of the last annual meeting  
> Report on MedGOOS activities (Kostas Nittis)
(14:45 –15:30)
> The Al-Bahri project proposal and future project planning in FP7 (Aldo Drago)
(15:30 – 16:45)
> Recent developments and activities by members. (Croatia ; Montenegro I - II)
> Other matters and next steps


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