THE Global Ocean Observing System

MedGOOS Half-Day Seminar

“Exchanging Numerical Coastal Modelling Experiences for Applications in the Mediterranean Region”
(8:30-12:30) 5th March 2010 Germir Palas Hotel, Istanbul

On the occasion of the 10th MedGOOS Annual meeting and the MOON Assembly (3-5th March 2010) that was held in Istanbul, a half-day seminar on numerical coastal modelling experiences for the Mediterranean was organised by the MedGOOS Secretariat. The Seminar was held in the morning of Friday 5th March and ended at 1pm. The Seminar was hosted in Turkey on the kind invitation of Emin Ozsoy from the Institute of Marine Sciences (METU), and with the support of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research.

The Seminar was intended to bring together experts from key institutions that are working on high resolution modelling activities of the coastal marine environment. The main targets of the Seminar were to:

- present state-of-the-art expertise on the subject;
- highlight the relevance of applications in coastal environments in the Mediterranean;
- showcase the most recent advances in coastal numerical models, and exchange experiences between research groups.

This seminar served as an occasion to bring together partners that have pledged to support the Al-Bahri project with coastal model implementations.

Speakers from specialised research centres were engaged to make state-of-the-art presentations on the subject.

The seminar was open to participation beyond MedGOOS and MOON.

Seminar Programme

Welcome Address - Aldo Drago, MedGOOS Executive Secretary (IOI-MOC, Malta)
Overview on the Seminar Theme – Kostas Nittis, Chair of MedGOOS (HCMR, Greece) (View presentation / Download Presentation)
Segment 1: Chair: Aldo Drago, MedGOOS Executive Secretary
Recent Advances in relocatable high resolution modelling and coastal models in the Northern Adriatic.
Nadia Pinardi and Paolo Oddo, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
N. Fabbroni and S. Simoncelli, Univesity of Bologna (UNIBO) (View presentation / Download Presentation)
Operational modelling of coastal systems: Experience of Deltares in Hydrodynamics, Water Quality and Ecology
Nicki Villars, DELTARES (View presentation / Download Presentation)
Numerical Modelling in coastal areas: Case studies from the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
Luca Liberti & Antonello Bruschi, Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA) (View presentation / Download Presentation)

Modelling experiences in the Catalan Coastal Sea Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla et. al, Laboratori d'Enginyeria Marítima, (LIM/UPC)

Coffee Break
Segment 2: Chair: Kostas Nittis, MedGOOS Chair
Efficient downscaling to coastal sea using the unstructured finite volume model MIKE 3: Applications in the Ligurian Sea and for Danish Belts Jacob V. Tonfeldt Sørensen, DHI Water Environment Health (View presentation / Download Presentation)
  A Comparison study of 6 Mediterranean lagoons with numerical modelling - Georg Umgiesser et. al, Istituto di Scienze Marine - Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (ISMAR – CNR) (View presentation / Download Presentation)
Storm surge modelling in the Mediterranean Sea with focus on the Italian coast - Christian Ferrarin et. al, (IAMC-CNR / ISMAR – CNR) (View presentation / Download Presentation)
High resolution modelling in the North Western Mediterranean sea - Bruno Zakardjian, LSEE Toulon (View presentation / Download Presentation)
Modeling organic matter production and export in some Western Mediterranean shelves A. Cruzado, R. Bernardello and N. Bahamon, Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Blanes (CSIC) (View presentation / Download Presentation)
Final Discussion and Closing

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