THE Global Ocean Observing System
Objectives of MedGOOS

The scientific and technological base achieved in Europe, the enlargement process in the European Union, and the Mediterranean policy of the Union, are all favourable conditions for a concerted basin-wide integrated effort to establish a strong, common research infrastructure for the implementation of the Ocean Observing System in the Mediterranean basin. The key elements contemplated by the MedGOOS Strategy to achieve this goal are the:

1. identification of regional priorities for operational ocean forecasting and marine meteorology;
2. ascertaining the geographic coverage of observations;
3. integration of observations;
4. co-operation at all levels (between agencies responsible for tourism, maritime transport, environmental management, coastal defences and flood prevention, search and rescue, fisheries, harbours, offshore oil and gas, research, and marine technology);
5. raising of awareness on the benefits of operational oceanography for the region;
6. capacity building to bridge differences in infrastructural and human resources between countries;
7. broadening of the MedGOOS association
8. RTD projects funded by the EU
9. EU funded Concerted Actions, Thematic Network projects such as the current MAMA project, large integrated projects and other instruments such as the mobility of young researchers.

MedGOOS Buoy off the Gulf of Oristano

The short term objectives of the MedGOOS are mainly to:

  • build the basin-wide network for ocean monitoring and forecasting, linking all the Mediterranean countries, broadening and strengthening the existing network of national institutions;
  • identify the gaps in the ocean and coastal monitoring systems in the region and in the capability to measure, model and forecast the ecosystem, taking stock of current RTD projects such as the Mediterranean Forecasting System Pilot Project (MFSPP), and of the EuroGOOS, MedGOOS and Africa GOOS activities;
  • build capacities for expertise in the setting up and running of observing platforms, in managing marine data, in modelling and forecasting the ecosystem;
  • design the initial observing and forecasting system from the basin scale down to the coastal zone, inter-comparing experiences and standardising practices towards the co-ordinated upgrading of the ocean observing and forecasting capabilities in all the Mediterranean countries;
  • raise awareness on the benefits of ocean forecasting at local, regional and global scales, involving stakeholders, and through demonstration projects and dissemination of products.

The expected long term goals are to:
  • enhance the coastal monitoring and forecasting capabilities in all Mediterranean countries;
  • establish contacts and collaborative efforts among all the Mediterranean countries in favour of the development of a Mediterranean operational forecasting system at regional and coastal scales;
  • Support the setting up of a platform for the Mediterranean data and information network for operational interagency data exchange, with the sharing of operational common products including the automated production of added value oceanographic information, and with the delivery of user-oriented products in an operational and interactive mode;
  • promote awareness of policy makers and the marine authorities on the opportunities, benefits and need of operational ocean forecasting;
  • set up the transnational Mediterranean network of researchers and users for the implementation of operational ocean forecasting.

Copyright 2008 MedGOOS.