Prof. Aldo Drago is responsible for the concept behind the
SEA-EU Marine Data Literacy course. He was formerly the Co-Ordinator of the
Physical Oceanography Research Group (PO-Res. Grp., ex
Physical Oceanography Unit, PO-Unit) within the Department
of Geosciences. The PO-Res.Grp undertakes oceanographic
research, in a holistic perspective, including operational
marine observations and forecasts, specialised data management
analysis and participation in international cooperative
research ventures. The PO-Res.Grp promotes activities in
operational oceanography with the installation and maintenance
of permanent sea monitoring systems, and the provision of
meteo-marine forecasts and related downstream services.
Under his direction, the PO-Res.Grp has strengthened its
activities, know-how and capability through the participation
in several EU funded regional and pan-European scientific
projects, INTERREG and MED Programme projects.