Sea Level Measurements____

A main activity of the PO-Unit is the collection
of densely sampled sea level recordings at permanent stations on
the northern coast of Malta. This forms part of an ongoing research
programme which was initiated by the PO-Unit in June 1993. These
measurements constitute the first digitised set of sea level recordings
in the Maltese Islands and are to date the longest time series of
simultaneous water level and meteorological parameters in the Central
Mediterranean. From this station, data has been acquired at one-
or two-minute sampling intervals in order to study local changes
in sea level across the full spectrum of time scales and which result
from various factors including the gradual changes due to eustatic
adjustments, climatic warming and the greenhouse effect as well
as from a more rapid response to episodes associated with meteorological
The sea level installation is positioned at the
head of Mellieha Bay which is a small embayment on the northwestern
coast of Malta. It consists of an Endeco Type 1029/1150 differential
pressure tide gauge which is clamped inside a small stilling well
connected to the sea. The sensor is a highly accurate strain gauge
with slight non-linearity, but ultra-high repeatability and with
practically no long term drift. The pressure transducer is located
in a subsurface case and at each recording it samples for a total
of 49s in order to filter surface waves; records are logged onto
a removable solid-state EEPROM cartridge situated in a topcase recording
unit. A thermistor bead bonded to the strain gauge is used to measure
temperature and allows compensation for temperature effects on the
transducer. The instrument measures absolute pressure; atmospheric
pressure is compensated by means of a vented tube which passes through
the topcase unit and terminates inside an environmental isolator
in the form of a small exposed PVC tube with a bladder. The tide
gauge datum is regularly checked for stability. Sea levels are given
from the zero of the tide gauge which is 3.6507m below BM No. 9541811
established by the Mapping Unit of the Malta Planning Directorate.
of sea level stations maintained by the PO-Unit
Click image to enlarge |
The station was equipped with a new ENDECO 600XLM probe
in May 2000. The system is operated by solar energy and
is used as a secondary station to the MedGLOSS station that
operates at Portomaso.
In addition to the data from the permanent stations, short
term deployments have been also undertaken, both along the
coast and in the open sea.This includes simultaneous recordings
by an array of land-based barographs and a set of simultaneous
bottom pressure recordings across the Malta Channel.
On the merit of the position of the island within
the Strait of Sicily, these data sets are particularly important
for understanding the role of the strait in controlling the exchange
between the two major basins of the Mediterranean Sea. With an internal
Rossby radius of just a few tens of kilometres on the shelf areas,
mesoscale phenomena in the Strait of Sicily are impossible to detect
and follow unless a detailed observation set is available in both
time and space. Under such circumstances, sea level measurements
become of great relevance as an indicator of the general dynamics
of the sea (Wunsch, 1972) especially when measured, as in the case
of Malta, at a location away from the continental mainland.
Besides the importance of these data sets in relation
to studies on global climate change and sea level rise, the use
of this data is essential for studies on salt intrusion in the natural
ground water aquifer, effect on the dispersion and flushing of pollution
in the coastal areas, calculation of extreme sea levels in connection
with the building of coastal structures, and others. Rises in sea
level by only a few tens of centimetres can have serious consequences
for many coastal areas; the most evident are coastal inundation
and erosion.
Besides the importance
of these data sets in relation to studies on global climate
change and sea level rise, the use of this data is essential
for studies on salt intrusion in the natural ground water
aquifer, effect on the dispersion and flushing of pollution
in the coastal areas, calculation of extreme sea levels in
connection with the building of coastal structures, and others.
Rises in sea level by only a few tens of centimetres can have
serious consequences for many coastal areas; the most evident
are coastal inundation and erosion. |
station at Mellieha Bay
An exhaustive and detailed analysis of the sea
level data collected in the period June1993 - December1996 is given
in DRAGO, 1999. This work gives a broad and updated study of sea
level variations in Malta particularly with reference to long period
Since 1988 the Malta Maritime
Authority has also operated a mechanical sea level gauge for intermittent
periods in the Grand Harbour. Originally the instrument was stationed
at Pinto Wharf. Analysis of 13 months of data from May 1990 to May
1991 were used to obtain the tidal harmonic constants in the harbour
(DRAGO, 1992). Measurements were interrupted in 1994 and resumed
in 1996 at a position close to the mouth of French Creek. The instrument
is currently positioned at Ras Hanzir which is at an inner location
along the main channel of the Grand Harbour.
Historical Sea Level
A long historical data set of sea level chart
records in the Grand Harbour are kept at the British Hydrographic
Office and cover the period 1876-1926. The sea level gauge was held
in the French Creek except for a period of five years starting from
1903 when the measurements were transferred to Ricasoli. Unfortunately
no records exist after 1926.
chart in the Grand Harbour taken in 1908, registering a tsunami. |
Study of Seiche Oscillations____

A most remarkable feature in the
sea level signals observed in Malta consists of a band of high frequency
signals with periods ranging from several hours to as low as a few
minutes. These non-tidal short period sea level fluctuations are
an expression of a coastal seiche, known by local fishermen as the
'milghuba' . This phenomenon has now been observed to occur all
along the northern coast of the Maltese archipelago and manifests
itself with very short resonating periods of the order of 20 minutes
in the adjacent coastal embayments. The phenomenology, generation
and impact of the 'milghuba' on the coastal dynamics constitute
the major focus of the study by DRAGO, 1999.
Analysis shows that weak seiching
is present uninterrupted and appears as a background 'noise' on
the tidal records. During random sporadic events the seiche oscillations
can however become greatly enhanced. The maximum range measured
in Mellieha Bay reached 1.1m. The seiche is often big enough to
mask completely the small astronomical tide.These large-amplitude
sea level oscillations are accompanied by remarkable currents that
are triggered by the sloshing water masses. These currents are comparable
in size to those generated in coastal areas characterised by tidal
series of sea level measurements in Mellieha Bay showing
seiching events
While these seiche induced currents
can be an important means for the flushing of coastal inlets and
harbours, they can on the other hand be dangerous to navigation.
Similar seiche oscillations have
been reported in other parts of the world ocean, with the most recent
studies being those conducted in Puerto Rico and the Philippines
(Giese et al., 1982), in Nagasaki on the southern coast of Japan
(Hibiya & Kajiura, 1982), at Capetown in South Africa (Shillington,
1984), at the Balearic Islands (Monserrat et al., 1991), and in
the South Kuril Islands (Djumagaliev & Rabinovich, 1993). They
are reported to cause severe damage to coastal areas, boats and
port constructions. Due to their close relation with the behaviour
of tsunami, research on seiches is considered to be important in
disaster mitigation studies (Taku et al., 1992).
Reference to similar sea level
variations (known as the 'Marrubbio') on the southern coast of Sicily
is found in the Italian 'Portolano' for ship navigation. Their occurrence
is reported to be most frequent in May or June in association to
southeasterly winds, and their crest-to-trough amplitudes reach
as high as 1.5m. Literature on the 'Marrubbio' is however very scarce
and the only relevant publication is by Colucci & Michelato
(1976). It is interesting to note that one of the first scientific
studies on seiches by Sir George Airy (1878) refers precisely to
the Grand Harbour in Malta. Since then the seiche phenomenon in
Malta remained unstudied until the work conducted recently by the
PO-Unit, which indeed constitutes the first study dealing with these
high frequency sea level oscillations in the Central Mediterranean.
The large amplitude seiches
in the Maltese Islands are mainly of an atmospheric origin. The
simultaneous measurements of sea level and atmospheric pressure
reveal the presence of pressure fluctuations of the order of a few
millibars in coincidence with the occurrence of seiche events. These
pressure signals are believed to be the surface expression of atmospheric
wave disturbances that propagate in the lower troposphere as internal
gravity waves. Their interaction with the open sea surface triggers
the long period waves that subsequently force the seiches in the
coastal areas.
Meteorological Data
Meteorological parameters
are measured by Aanderaa sensors at a nearby automatic weather station
in Ramla tal-Bir which is situated on the coastal strip overlooking
the South Comino Channel. The sensors are positioned in an unobstructed
location at a height of 20m from mean sea level.
data set consists of wind speed and direction, air pressure
and temperature, relative humidity and net atmospheric radiation
each measured at one or two minute intervals. The station
is in operation since April 1994. Meteorological data from
this station is missing in the period between mid-October
1994 and mid-March 1995 due to a sensor malfunction caused
by the stray effect of a nearby lightning stroke. With sufficiently
long time series of the relevant sea and atmospheric parameters
it will be possible to model the effect of the wind and atmospheric
pressure on the mean sea level, and hence permit a more precise
prediction of sea levels including the prediction of surges.
weather station at ir-Ramla tal-Bir
Physical Oceanographic

A number of physical oceanographic surveys
have been carried out by the PO-Unit especially in the period 1992/4.
The main area investigated includes a considerable stretch of the
NW approaches to the Maltese Islands.The survey targeted to study
the phenomenology of the sea currents and water column structure.
The collected data are important to identify the physical processes
involved in the response of coastal embayment to external forcing
agents. The data are being used in specialised analysis involving
tasks in numerical modelling as a simulation tool for the dynamics
of the coastal water body. These studies have also enabled a suite
of instruments to become available for future investigations.
positions for the Oceanographic survey during 1993
Data collected from these surveys
has been submitted to the project (MEDAR/MEDATLAS II) and consists
of CTD profiles collected in the period 1992-1994 (Table 1). The
full set consists of a total of 179 profiles collected during 5
surveys at different seasons with the intention of studying the
water column structure and identifying the physical processes pertaining
to this coastal stretch over a range of spatial and temporal scales.
The survey in 1992 was the first ever physical oceanographic survey
conducted by a CTD profiler in the Maltese coastal waters. The survey
was conducted under the framework of the nationally funded Coastal
Environment Research Project (CERP) with stations concentrated inside
and in the vicinity of two coastal embayments – Mellieha Bay
and St. Paul’s Bay. The subsequent surveys covered stations
within an area of about 60 km2 on the NW coastal area of the Maltese
Islands. The instrument used in the 1992/93 surveys is the FIS (Falmouth
Scientific Inc) Integrated CTD equipped with a fast and a Pt temperature
sensors. In the subsequent surveys an FSI mini-CTD was used. The
data are processed by FSI software. The reformatting and quality
control is done as part of this project.
Subsurface Sea Currents____

sea currents were measured for a period of one year at two stations
in the NW coastal area of Malta. These measurements were aimed to
study the phenomenology of sea currents on the shelf, particularly
in connection with expression of coastally trapped waves in the
form of strong diurnal signals. Measurements were also carried out
for shorter periods at the Comino Channels, Marsalforn, outside
the Grand Harbour and near Benghajsa Reef.
diurnal signature in the deep subsurface currents outside
Mellieha Bay