CIESM Newsletter from IOI-Malta Operational Centre

News on the 38th CIESM Congress and submission of papers

CIESM Congresses have been held regularly, every three years, on the Mediterranean shores since 1919. They represent the main forum for the exchange of information on marine and coastal research in the Mediterranean and Black Seas . Participants include marine scientists, coastal planners, engineers, students or anyone involved or interested in the dynamics and evolution of the Mediterranean environment.

Thanks to the invitation of Turkish Authorities, the 38 th CIESM Congress will be held in Istanbul , Turkey from the 9th to the 13th April 2007 at the Istanbul Convention Centre, conveniently located at centre of the city close to hotels, restaurants and other services.

The programme, which is still under preparation, will reflect the best science offered by Mediterranean and Black Sea Researchers. All those interested are welcome to participate in the many morning round-table seminars/panels and in the afternoon sessions of the six scientific committees of the Commission.

Marine scientists interested in submitted their papers may do so directly to the relevant Committee Chair, taking advantage of the online procedure. It is important that submissions are done in the required format and that illustrations (three maximum) are placed in the desired location in order for the manuscript to be taken into consideration. For publication in the post-Congress volume, manuscripts must be presented physically (orally or in the form of a poster) by one of the coauthors. The deadline for submissions of papers is 18th October 2006, whilst the deadline for accepting a paper is 30th November 2006 .

The deadline for registration of participation (including payment of registration fee) is 10th January 2007 , and applicable fees are as follows:

Students from emerging countries*: 60Euros (100 Euros late payment fee)
Students from other countries: 90 Euros (140 Euros late payment fee)
Scientists from emerging countries: 100 Euros (150 Euros late payment fee)
Scientists from other countries: 150 Euros (230 Euros late payment fee)

For further information about this event and online submission forms, please click here

* Emerging countries: Albania , Algeria , Bulgaria , Croatia , Egypt , Georgia , Lebanon , Libya , Morocco , Romania , Russia , Serbia and Montenegro , Syria , Tunisia , Turkey and Ukraine .