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Great news for the largest animal of the world!!!! The Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus) that regularly feed and nurse in the Gulf of Corcovado, off the southern coast of Chile can now visit this part of the world without feeling threatened by humans.
Hon. Michelle Bachelet, the first woman elected as president of Chile (cool, eh?), has decided to support the establishment of a Blue Whale Centre, an idea of WWF (World Wildlife Fund) and other nature conservation groups. She has also awarding the project a very important national award of Chile called the Bicentennial Award. So, what is the Blue Whale Centre? The aim of the centre is to create a marine protected area, which means an area where man’s activities are limited or banned, so that the blue whale populations can live in Corcovado-Chiloé without facing any threats. This area hosts the most important feeding and nursing grounds for the blue whale in the Southern Hemisphere |
This place is also very important for so many other marine species. For example, the humpback, sei and sperm whales, the sea lions, seals and many different types of dolphin species are regular visitors or residents!
Unfortunately, this beautiful, natural environment has until recently been threatened by many human activities, like fishing, aquaculture, shipping traffic and even military exercises. So it is great to know that all this will stop and that all these lovely creatures will live in safety and harmony!
And now, why don’t you read some interesting facts about the largest animal on Earth…..
Click here to find out more about blue whales