Malta and the International Polar Year

Malta too will be hosting an event connected to the International Polar Year. The International Polar Year (IPY) started in March 2007 and is a year dedicated to a large scientific programme focusing on the Arctic (the North Pole) and the Antarctic (the South Pole).

Next November, in Malta , there is going to be a large conference called Pacem in Maribus XXXII (PIM XXXII), where people will meet to talk about how the lives of women and youth living in coastal areas will be affected by any changes in our oceans. Part of the time will be spent talking about the important scientific work that is being done all around the world for the International Polar Year.

Many important people, from many different countries and with many different interests, will be attending the Pacem in Maribus XXXII conference. There will be people in government, scientists and researchers, seafarers, people working to conserve the sea, etc.

And there are going to be some great activities for kids too!

For example, there will be a Children's Artworks Exhibition about the sea, day trips onboard ships, drawing contests, educational activities, and much more!!!

So keep visiting this website to find out about all upcoming activities. We will keep you updated!