Kids Awards Presentation
The winners of “Youth and the Oceans – The Artworks Competition”, the local painting competition for all kids under the age of 16, were presented with fabulous prizes during the Awards Presentation Night which was held at Sundown Court Leisure Resort, Kappara on Sunday, 12th November.
First and second prizes were given for each of the two categories, Ages 5 to 10 and Ages 11 to 15, together with a number of token gifts. Prizes awarded included Play Station Players, MP3 players, digital cameras, art books and educational software. Some of the prizes were kindly sponsored by Agenda Bookshop. Fabulous, no?
This competition offered all the kids who participated with the chance to show their creative and artistic talents, to pass on messages about the sea, and to make their name and talents known. The best 30 artworks can be viewed on http://www.ioikids.net/voting/index.php and were also on exhibit during the presentation night.
Twenty-four of the best artworks, including all winning ones, are now also participating in an international competition for possible publication in the International Ocean Institute's “Children and the Sea” album, which will be distributed worldwide.