Items relevant to operational data exchange and monitoring
in the Mediterranean region, in Europe and world-wide
are also considered. This information aids to tailor
the Demonstrator for the Mediterranean and is used as
an initial basic input for further improvement of the
CEROSPIG Demonstrator.
Subtask 8.1.2 System analysis, specifications,
design and realisation of the demonstrator.
The CEROSPIG Demonstrator is developed on the MAMA
WWW in compliance with international standards for
structured developments of information systems starting
with the system analysis, followed by rough and detailed
specifications, system design and finally the development
of new software packages and the integration of existing
commercial software into a coherent software product
"CEROSPIG", which can be run at least on WINDOWS and
LINUX operating systems. Routine supervision, review
and approval procedures will be applied in order to
ensure that the developments correspond to the requirements
of the user community.
The CEROSPIG demonstrator shows the methodology,
functions and operation of a state-of-the-art operational
software package for automated and user-controlled
expert guidance and information exchange on coastal
erosion protection and ICZM in the Mediterranean.
The demonstrator is designed to include all relevant
functions to upload, download and update data and
information via the Internet, capability to import
and export filters to a number of common formats and
operating systems (WINDOWS, LINUX, MACINTOSH, UNIX)
and to verify information and data consistency, actuality
and relevance. Some basic functions facilitating sound
and visualisation (JPG, GIF, TIF, movies) will be
also part of the system.
8.2 Development of a user-friendly interface and provision
of tools (software) for viewing and using ecosystem
forecast results.
The transformation of data into usable products
is still an area to be fully explored and enhanced.
Current products are heavily based on physical measurements
in the coastal seas and the upper ocean. This task
addresses the need to improve and ease the capacity
of analysing, merging and using observed and modelled
data for the management of the marine resources at
short term.
Subtask 8.2.1 User-friendly interface
for viewing and analysing 3D data.
A graphical user-friendly interface developed by
UNIBO/ CIRSA (Italy) will be is improved into an on-line
tool for viewing and analysis of direct (observed)
and derived (from the forecast simulations) data 3D
fields. This interface is being adapted to allow merging,
comparison and statistical descriptions of data sets;
the ease of use aimed to allow its widespread employment,
including non-scientists, and its application by a
range of potential users. The tool will be used in
the analysis of the model results generated in WP4.
Subtask 8.2.2 Development of value
added products.
The capacity to analyse merged data sets (in situ,
satellite and modelled) and extract the major information
for practical applications is investigated by a dedicated
pilot exercise for the coastal zone. In situ and satellite
data is merged to provide information on the status
and trends of the coastal marine environment. These
products provide information in the form of a water
quality parameter based on temperature, salinity,
oxygen, nutrients concentration. This product targeted
to provide an example of ‘near real time’ information
to managers and the general public. This exercise
is done in conjunction to Task 8.1. Products developed
under Task 8.2 will be launched on the website of
the developer with hyperlinks to the MAMA WWW. They
will be accompanied by detailed descriptions on their
content and method of use. On-line response by users
will be used for feedback.