MAMA was implemented through the planned activities, divided into 9 workpackages, with a strong emphasis on cooperation and networking.
Within this Work Package a stocktaking and identification exercise of the situation in the Mediterranean was carried out with regard to:
§ present capabilities in terms of research institutions
§ availability of technological infrastructures and equipment
§ human resources and funding capability
This was done both in conjunction with authorities on a national level in each individual country and as well as with international organisations operating in the Mediterranean.
An inventory of existing observing programs and monitoring systems in the Mediterranean basin constituted the first step towards the identification of the existing systems that can feasibly be networked to operate in near-real-time. For each observing system information was collected on parameters observed, instrumentation and platforms, maintenance practice, sampling and analysis methodology, data management and quality assessment, and product access. |
A scientific assessment of existing ocean observing systems in the Mediterranean at regional, coastal and national scales took place in order to design scientifically proven and cost effective real time coastal data acquisition systems, fully integrated to the basin scale system.
M3A Buoy |
MAMBO Buoy |
MedGOOS I and II |
(MFSPP Project) |
(OGS, Trieste) |
(West Sardinia Sea, IMC, Italy) |
Poseidon Network |
Deep Sea Network |
(NCMR, Greece) |
(Puertos del Estado, Spain) |
This Work Package contributed to develop the basic technical and scientific expertise required to participate in the GOOS. This WP proposed a scheme of visiting S&T personnel of MAMA members at specialised centres in the MAMA consortium. The aim was to transfer expertise within the network, involving in the enabling experience all Mediterranean countries, on a equal opportunity basis.
The state-of-the-art of numerical modelling and data assimilation was assessed and an initial ocean modelling system for the Mediterranean shelf and coast areas was designed by integrating the experience in modelling carried out in RTD EU Projects such as the Mediterranean Forecasting System Pilot Project (MFSPP). Work in this task included the implementation of high-resolution circulation models in key shelf/coastal areas not yet covered by the MFSPP and also ensured an effective transfer of know-how and modelling experiences to new partners.
A hierarchy of nested numerical models adopted in MFSPP covering the Mediterranean Sea from the basin to the Regional and Shelf scales |
Designed and tested, through a pilot implementation, the basis of a Mediterranean virtual data and information centre in the form of an internet-based inter-agency networking system for the exchange of data and information. The aim was to initiate a proto-type data and information management system that supports an end-to-end process starting from the data/meta-data flow and merging between operational agencies, through the processing, integration and enhancement stages, and up to the viewing and exploitation by users. All the MAMA participants were empowered with know-how and tools for the management of operational data and information, and for access and use of the MAMA virtual centre and other on-line related services. A marine data and information management (MDIM) workshop provided guidelines for such an information system.
The MAMA WWW acted as a reference point in the Mediterranean by having links to national and institutional web sites and operational ocean forecasting programmes. The aim of MAMA WWW was to encourage regional interaction and to highlight the benefits of operational forecasting to potential users whilst raising public awareness. The dissemination of results on the WWW served also to enhance information exchange. A web-based regional directory, MeDir, produced a searchable database of marine agencies, institutions and professionals and their activities on operational forecasting in the Mediterranean.
A campaign was undertaken throughout the duration of the project to promote awareness on MedGOOS and the benefits of ocean forecasting in the Mediterranean. The campaign addressed a full hierarchy of stakeholders, such as governmental agencies and authorities, policy-makers, marine scientific community, marine industries, services sector, and the public at large. The main aim was to secure greater support and commitments from various governments.
The tasks in this Workpackage addressed the use of data for the management of marine resources at short term by developing user-friendly interfaces for viewing forecast results and 3D data. Open and constructive links were established with the end-user community in order to identify their needs and priorities. The aim was to achieve this mainly through the development of web-based demonstration tools. One of these provided guidance and information on Integrated Coastal Zone Management and on protection from coastal erosion. A dedicated pilot exercise for the coastal zone merged in situ and satellite data providing information on the current trends of the coastal marine environment.